The objective was to develop a comprehensive communications plan for HP CISS, aiming to create awareness, establish a connection with the target market, and promote product adoption.
concept & solution
Our strategy involved implementing a series of marketing tactics and communication initiatives designed to effectively launch the product, heighten awareness, and ultimately drive conversions.
The digital campaign executed across all relevant digital platforms during the campaign period yielded impressive results:

Approximately 2 million+ Impressions were generated across various digital assets.

Over 1,000 posts were disseminated across social media platforms.

The campaign successfully generated 167 authentic leads.
As anticipated, our most engaged audience fell within the age group of 25-40+, primarily consisting of working-class adults.
We recorded over 95,000 video views from influencers and other engagement sources, showcasing the campaign's effectiveness in capturing audience attention and driving meaningful interactions. The results underscore the success of our efforts in achieving the outlined objectives for the HP CISS digital campaign.
Do watch a clip shared by one of the campaign influencers below